Fort Howard Community Association  Thursday September 24, 2015 Meeting Agenda  7 PM at the Odd Fellows Hall 9401 North Point Road, Fort Howard, Md 21052


Click to Fall 2015 Newsletter




  • Following Mr. Tomarchio will be Baltimore Sun Reporter Ms. Pamela Wood seeking Fort Howard resident input for her news article appearing in the Baltimore sun this weekend.  In Ms. Wood’s word’s:“I’m writing a story for The Sun about the redevelopment proposal for Fort Howard – specifically how Councilman Todd Crandell is officially declining to introduce PUD legislation for the developer.I would love to meet up with some Fort Howard residents to talk with you not only about Councilman Crandell’s decision and Mr. Munshell’s proposal, but also what you hope will eventually happen with the property, what it’s been like dealing with all of these plans over the years, etc. I want to explain to my readers the big picture of what’s going on with Fort Howard and the input from neighborhood residents will be very valuable for my story.”

Click MPA


Your input and questions are most welcomed to our guests.

  • A petition to Baltimore Gas & Electric will be available to sign.  BG&E engineering has requested a “head count,” to calculate the cost of making available natural gas to all Fort Howard residents while the new water distribution pipe are being installed.


  • 50/50 Raffle Ticket $1 per or 6 for$5 for the Fort Howard Park gun restoration project “Keeping the Promise for Another 100 Years,” will be on hand. The drawing is November 14, 2015.


Baltimore County Department of Permits, Approvals, & Inspections code Enforcement has issued a “Notice to Abate,” directly from the office of Donald E. Brand, Chief Code Administrator.


  • Baltimore County Geographic Information Systems, Information Technology Office  is still working out the bugs in the recent Fort Howard  zip code correction unanimously voted on in the last Association meeting to correct.


  • Baltimore County Department of Public Works has been  visibly  surveying lately the lay of the land for the new water pipe through out Fort Howard, Maryland and will report in 5 months the project progress.


Thank you in advance for your interest and attendance.  Please submit your ideas, advise, complaints, and question so the Association can improve on its mission preserving  the historic, rural, small town Chesapeake Bay community culture of Fort Howard , Maryland.

“It’s our community, let’s take care of it.”

Categories: General