Dear Baltimore County Council:
Your fellow council member, the Honorable Mr. Wade Kach, has “ withdrawn his support and sponsorship of the resolution establishing the membership of the (Baltimore County Charter Review Commission) commission.”
After consultation with other community and civic associations, on behalf of our membership, the Fort Howard Community Association of Fort Howard Maryland 21052 supports Councilman Wade Kach’s decision.
After review of Mr. Kach’s argument for his decision, at this time it is impossible to reconcile the prima facia conflict of interests inherent with installing lobbyist who are partners/employees of most powerful and influential land development law firms in the Baltimore County that are ethically and professionally bound to fight for the best interest of their clients (land developers) and their duty as Baltimore County Commissioners representing the best interest of the residents of Baltimore County enacting land development policy; policies that will govern land development in Baltimore County for the next ten years. (link below)
Members described the notion with the proverbial phrase “It’s like putting the fox in charge of the hen-house.”
Your votes will be directly reported to our membership and shared with the consulted community and civic organizations mentioned above.
Your constituents appreciate your leadership in this matter.
Respectfully yours,
Kathleen Labuda
Secretary /Treasurer