D Day: 75 Years Later

On this 75th Anniversary of D-Day, at “freedom’s alter,” the heart felt words President Trump spoke honored our warrior’s sacrifices who struggled in the battle of good versus evil, of despotism versus freedom, at the beaches of Normandy, France in World War II.  Normandy Beach June 6, 1944 With President Read more…

Save the Man-O-War Shoals

Save Man O'War Shoal from CCA Maryland on Vimeo. https://widget.civist.cloud/?api_url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.civist.cloud%2Ft%2F7b8daed8-8d7e-4651-8a20-06c8082ef9e4%2F#/RW1iZWRkaW5nOmUyMmZmYjU4LTk0ZTItNDZjMC1iNzY2LTFkOGM3ZDFkY2NiZg== Just a couple of miles off the shores of historic Fort Howard, Maryland in the Baltimore County’s world famous Chesapeake Bay waters  lies the last intact surviving oyster shoal from prehistoric days: Man-O-War Oyster Shoals. Tragically,  the  Maryland Department of Read more…

A Better Maryland

  2500 years ago democracy  was developed and practiced in the Greek city-state (polis) of Athens as a political system of direct democracy in which participating citizens voted directly on legislation and executive bills. And as predicted by scientist/historian James Burke computer and communication technology has brought us to the threshold of direct democracy once again. The button below will take you to Read more…