Department of Public Works Meeting Postponed
Department of Public Works Meeting Postponed scheduled for tomorrow October 7, 2015 has been postponed till November 2015 Thank you 688
Department of Public Works Meeting Postponed scheduled for tomorrow October 7, 2015 has been postponed till November 2015 Thank you 688
As president, Theodore Roosevelt created five national parks (doubling the previously existing number); signed the landmark Antiquities Act and used its special provisions to unilaterally create 18 national monuments, including the Grand Canyon; set aside 51 federal bird sanctuaries, four national game refuges, and more than 100 million acres’ Read more…
Fort Howard redevelopment stalled once again More than a decade has passed since the hospital at Fort Howard closed. (Pam Wood / Baltimore Sun) Pamela WoodContact ReporterThe Baltimore Sun [email protected] Balto. Co. councilman blocks massive project at Fort Howard VA site. Windows in the imposing former VA hospital building Read more…
The Maryland Department of Environment held a third Public Information Meeting September 30, 2015 conducted by Ms. Barbara Brown, MDE-LRP-VCP Section Head on the former Sparrows Point Steel Mill environmental cleanup. MDE continues primary onshore work oversight while EPA continue primary off shore overnight. The prospective FedEx parcel , Area Read more…
FHCA Secretary/Treasurer Ms. Kathleen Labuda addressed attendees during a meeting at the Merritt Park Baptist Church concerning the restoration project of the cannons at the Fort Howard Park. Video is compliments of Dundalk TV. Many thanks to Ms. Labuda & Mr. Collier, Dundalk TV General Manager 50/50 Raffle Read more…
Code Red Fort Howard LLC cited by county for code violations Dundalk, MD By Buzz Beeler (Open Post) October 1, 2015 ShareTweetGoogle PlusRedditEmailComments One of the several historical buildings on the Fort Howard site burned to the ground I can’t say that this news comes as a shocker, folks. The Read more…
-Artilce by Devin Crum – On Thursday, Sept. 24, Sparrows Point Terminal LLC’s vice president of corporate affairs, Aaron Tomarchio, visited the Fort Howard Community Association meeting to give updates on what is happening at Sparrows Point and answer questions that they had. Tomarchio began by touching on the 3,100-acre Read more…
Mr.John F. Wilson, Associate Director, Stewardship,Land Acquisition & Planning, Tawes State Office Building, E-4,Annapolis, MD 21401 at 410-260-8412 has been so very gracious in affording FHCA an update of the trail plans. Please click the file below to review and send any comments, question, etc. to [email protected] DOWNLOADABLE Read more…
Fort Howard Community Association Thursday September 24, 2015 Meeting Agenda 7 PM at the Odd Fellows Hall 9401 North Point Road, Fort Howard, Md 21052 Sparrows Point Terminal Mr. Aaron Tomarchio, VP Operations will address residents for 20 minutes followed by a Q&A with a 2 minute allowance per Read more…
This past few months have been a scramble. We won the election. We had our first session in the legislature. My wife and I even got married in May! Now that we have a free moment, I want to hear how you feel about a few issues. Will you take Read more…