National Historic Preservation Month

Fort Howard is celebrating with the National Trust for Historic Preservation May as Preservation Month with #ThisPlaceMatters. This Place Matters is a national campaign that encourages people to celebrate the places that are meaningful to them and to their communities, and Preservation Month is the perfect time to share it with Read more…

MDOT Chesapeake Bay Crossing Study Meetings

As an international logistics gateway, Trade Point Atlantic’s projected 28,000 tractor trailer trips per day may have several future traffic and environmental impacts on the communities surrounding the new bay bridge crossing.  To assure that all branches of government give proper consideration to the environment the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)  policy Read more…

MDE Grants Permit Comment Period Extention

Ms. Leah Kelly of Environmental Integrity Project requested on behalf of Fort Howard Community Association an extension of the comment period for the Access World LLC’s commodity grinding and pulverizing processing permit. Mrs. Shannon Heafey of MDE’s Air Quality Permits Program Air and Radiation Administration has favorably replied in the following.   Read more…

Rumor Contol

Fort Howard Community Association has received several inquiries from residents if the recent Water Main Replacement Project and Road Repaving in Fort Howard, Maryland was in some way related to the veterans hospital. It has been confirmed through a Freedom of Information Act request to the United Stated Department of Read more…

Fort Howard Road Paving

Remembering Fort Howard water main breaks were evening television live news only a couple years ago, many thanks goes out to engineer Mr. Steve Emm of Baltimore County’s Department of Public Works for his water main design and ongoing leadership in the Fort Howard, Maryland project. Utility Contractor Angelozzi and Sons Read more…

Happy Independence Day 2017

  “America the Beautiful” Courtesy of Ray Charles Fort Howard Community Association wishes the residents of Fort Howard, Maryland and all Americans a safe and joyful celebration of our  national 241st  birthday. Share your patriotism with your family and friends  taking a moment to  bow your head  to the Almighty Read more…