Tobacco use causes over 7,000 deaths in Maryland each year, more than alcohol, car accidents, overdoses, HIV/AIDS, suicides and homicides combined. 

In Baltimore County, 22% of adults are tobacco users and almost 20% of high school students are tobacco and e-cigarette users. 

Data indicates that exposure to secondhand smoke results in over 41,000 deaths in adult non-smokers each year and 40% of children who visit the emergency room for severe asthma attacks live with a smoker. 

Baltimore County Department of Health is able to provide free quit smoking group classes and free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products to class participants.

To schedule an appointment, call Dan Young at 410-887-3828 or email

Unable to Attend a Class? Help is Still Available

Call 1-800-Quit-Now (1-800-784-8669) for free phone counseling and nicotine replacement patches. The Quitline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for those 13 years of age and older. 

 The Baltimore County Department of Health is responsible for enforcing youth access to tobacco laws. In Baltimore County, it is illegal to:

  • Sell tobacco products to a minor (anyone under the age of 18).
  • Have tobacco products stored or displayed within reach of the public.
  • Sell tobacco to anyone under the age of 27 without checking photo identification.

Report Retail Violations

To report retailers who violate the law or to file a complaint, call 410-887-3828 or send an email to

Committed to the health and welfare of our community members, the Fort Howard Community Association will bring every Baltimore County Health Department  educational and therapeutic resource available to assist those advocating for a smoke free Fort Howard, Maryland.

For more information contact email FHCA at or call 410-477-2040


Kathleen Labuda



“It’s our community, lets take care of it.”