Council Unanimously Passes Bill 37-19

The Council removed developer loopholes in our open space law tonight unanimously passing Bill 37-19. Bill 37-19 is a testimony to Baltimore County government’s purpose: to serve the taxpayers of Baltimore County. However, more collaboration among government, nonprofits, County residents, and developers must take place to seriously address the unrelenting livability Read more…

Support Bill 37-19

 Neighbor Space of Baltimore County, the 7  District Civic Council  of Baltimore County,  the Towson Community Alliance, the Preservation Alliance of Baltimore County, the Fort  Howard Community Association, Baltimore Climate Change,  and several other prominent organizations were in full force testifying FOR Bill 37-19 to remove  loopholes in the OPEN Read more…

Kudos to Mr. Tyler Wilson

Fort Howard Community Association wishes to recognize new member Mr. Tyler Wilson for his community service at the Fort Howard Veterans Memorial Park during  August 13, 2019’s  foundation landscaping project and to all who contributed to the purchase of the plants, mulch, and furnishing of garden tools.