Tonight’s Meeting Update
Mr. Crandell, 7th District Councilman intends to attend tonight’s FHCA last 2015 meeting at the Odd Fellow’s Hall at 7 PM. Happy Thanksgiving, Kathleen Labuda, Secretary/Treasurer
Mr. Crandell, 7th District Councilman intends to attend tonight’s FHCA last 2015 meeting at the Odd Fellow’s Hall at 7 PM. Happy Thanksgiving, Kathleen Labuda, Secretary/Treasurer
[slideshow_deploy id=’1764′] The hearing on the attached citation is scheduled to take place this Friday, November 20, 2015 at 10:00 a.m., Jefferson Building, Room 205, 105 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Towson. Please ask anyone to call or email me should they have any questions or believe they can be of any Read more…
Thursday November 19, 2015 from 7-8:30 pm at the Odd Fellows Hall, 9401 North Point Rd, Fort Howard, MD 21052 FHCA will hold its last general meeting for 2015 with Chesapeake Bay Foundation Chief Scientist Douglas Myers sharing his perspective of the current status of the Chesapeake Bay and projection Read more…
Special thanks to Food Lion located at 7514 North Point Road, Sparrows Point, Maryland 21219 (410-477-4784) Manager Mr. Adam Deale for contributing to the “Keeping the Promise for Another 100 Years,” Fort Howard Park cannon restoration project. Mr. Deale allowed Fort Howard Community Association to exhibit the project and Read more…
USACE YOUTUBE CHANNEL The Maryland Port Authority conducted its annual Dredged Material Management Program meeting this mourning at the Sollers Point Multi-Purpose Center. FHCA was in attendance facilitating communication of this vital activity of commerce to all port stakeholders, including the residents of Fort Howard, Maryland. The Annual Report follows: Read more…
Spring 2015 the Keeping the Promise for Another 100 Years was initiated to restore the neglected iconic Fort Howard Park cannons. Moving forward, on October 27, 2015 the Fort Howard Community Association, the Army National Guard, the Chairman of the Fort Howard Defender’s Day, the Baltimore County Landmark District Commissioner, Read more…
[slideshow_deploy id=’1646′] Mr. Steve Emm, Baltimore County Public Works, Project Manager, for the Fort Howard water main replacement project verified today on November 2, 2015 the geographic positioning system (GPS) engineering location data acquisition of all the water mains in Fort Howard, Maryland is completed bringing a close the survey Read more…
www. Celebrate the 250th Anniversary of Mason and Dixon’s Survey in Baltimore County See the BIG REVEAL of a new Mason – Dixon Roadside Historical Marker and a Replacement Mile Stone No. 46: DATE: OCTOBER 17, 2015 TIME: 2:00 P.M. PLACE: MASON AND DIXON LINE – Read more…
DUNDALK, Md. (WBFF) – It’s been a long-standing debate in Baltimore County: the proposed sale of the North Point Government Center. For now the proposal has been put on hold by the State Board of Public Works.Many Dundalk residents have expressed frustration, outrage and concern over the proposal, hoping that Read more…
State to Baltimore County: ‘Come up with a better plan’ for contested Dundalk project North Point Government Center Pamela WoodContact ReporterThe Baltimore Sun [email protected] The state has intervened to halt a controversial project in Dundalk, telling Baltimore County officials they need to come back with a better plan to Read more…