Happy New Year! New year, new exciting things to come. In 2015 we ended the year with harnessing technology a bit more by opening our online store through our website http://www.ssjohnwbrown.org/online-store/. In 2016, we are going to use different ways to stay in touch with you all and let you know what is going on with Project Liberty Ship and the SS JOHN W BROWN.
This year we will be
On the west wall of Baltimore’s Inner Harbor from March 16th-19th (Wednesday-Saturday) open to the public for visits (hours to be posted soon)
We will be in Norfolk, Va from May 19th until the 23rd, with a Living History Cruise on Sunday May 22nd. We will be open for visitation on Friday and Saturday (more info to come)
Saturday October 1st will be our only Living History Cruise here in Baltimore.
We look forward to sharing our Liberty Ship with as many of you as possible in 2016. Stay tuned for more emails, Facebook, and website information.
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Maryland House of Delegate passed HB380 permitting the sale of condoms in nusery, pre, elementry, middle, and high school vending machines. The bill does not mandate the sale in schools. Induvidual schools systems will be Read more…
On behalf of the residents of Fort Howard and the Veterans of the United States, Delegate Bob Long sent a heart felt letter to President Trump intervention to retore or in the zoning Coup d’etat Read more…
A recent post on FortHoward.Org uncovered Maryland HB538 2024 Housing and Affordabilty Act was amended on February 20th , 2024 by a letter submitted by law firm Veneble LLP on behalf of the current leaseholder/developer Read more…